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GBES Handbook

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is a key to school success. On time, daily attendance is a critical component of this educational process. We understand sometimes families may need support to help their child be successful. School staff can direct you to possible resources within the school community. Teachers take attendance daily.

A parent/guardian must notify the school at 881-9797 ext. 1, when a student is going to be absent.

Absences may be excused for the following reasons with appropriate documentation:

  • Illness (including chronic illness documented on a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
  • Limited family emergencies; family deaths
  • Medical, health or legal appointments
  • Suspensions
  • Religious commitment

All absences for other reasons are unexcused.

Dress Code

We follow the APS guideline in order to promote a safe learning environment. Students who are out of compliance will be provided a change of clothing and/or call home for a change of clothes. Here are important guidelines to be aware of:

  • No gang-related attire (this changes, so be aware) or clothing that distracts from learning
  • No tight or revealing clothing (spaghetti straps, exposed midriffs, tube tops, low cut or off the shoulder)
  • No inappropriate slogans on clothing Shorts must be “finger-tip” length
  • No hats allowed in the buildings (may wear for warmth or sun protection on the playground)
  • No sagging pants or wide-legs. Pants should fit at waist, crotch, and legs.
  • No long belts or chains, spiked jewelry, or piercings No make-up or brightly colored or distracting hair No flip flops or shoes with heels (for safety reasons)
  • Hair color, length, style, including hair coverings or styles related to an individual’s personal, cultural or religious beliefs cannot be considered for disciplinary action.

Students, staff, or visitors shall not advertise, display or promote any drug, including alcohol or tobacco, sexual activity, violence, disrespect and/or show bigotry toward any group.

APS Handbook for Student Success Addendum (09/2020)

The following characteristics from the APS Handbook for Student Success are essential for all students and staff interacting with each other in any virtual or face to face educational environment:

  • Trustworthiness – Being honest in one’s actions and words

  • Respect – Showing high regard for self and others

  • Responsibility – Being accountable for one’s actions and words

  • Fairness – Treating everyone fairly

  • Caring – Showing concern for others

  • Citizenship - Being an informed, responsible, and caring participant in the community

The following guidelines are shared to maximize our students’ learning environments when they are participating in in-person learning:

  • Attend class every day, on time

  • Actively participate in class 

  • Dress appropriately

    • Follow the APS dress code

  • Use appropriate language for an educational setting

    • Do not disparage, name call, threaten, harass, or bully others

  • Do not be on school grounds or any APS property when not assigned to be there

Violations of any of the above may result in administrative action which includes:

  • 1st offense – staff/student conference

  • 2nd offense – staff/parent conference

  • 3rd offense – staff/parent conference and/or restorative practices

  • 4th offense – suspension

All aspects of the APS Handbook for Student Success are in effect in all settings, virtual, hybrid or fully face to face. Consequences for infractions will be assigned as outlined in the handbook and may include parent conference, restorative practices, suspension from a class or classes.

Fire Drills, Lockdowns, and Shelter-in-place

Fire regulations require the school to hold periodic fire drills. They are held once a week for the first month of school and once a month thereafter.

  • If you would happen to arrive during the fire drill, you will have to wait outside the building in your car until the drill is complete.

During lock down or shelter in place procedures, students are to remain in the classroom. They are to take direction from their teachers.

During a lock down or shelter in place, students and teachers are not allowed to leave their rooms for any reason. All doors are locked in the school and nobody is allowed into the building.

  • If you would happen to arrive during a lockdown or shelter in place, you will have to wait outside the building in your car until the drill is complete.

Inclement Weather

Severe weather means schools are closed for the day for safety reasons. This is announced on local TV and radio by 6:00 a.m. Please listen for these announcements. Less severe weather results in an abbreviated day. Start and dismissal times for Governor Bent students on an abbreviated day schedule are as follows:

Classes Begin – 9:30 a.m. Classes Dismiss – 2:15 p.m.

In case of severe weather during the day, we will contact parents or day care providers so they can make arrangements to pick up their children.

Watch local TV news, listen to local radio or click on the links below for more information to see if there is a 2 Hour Delay.

  • APS
  • KOB
  • KRQE
  • KASA
  • KOAT
  • KANW- 89.1 FM

Phone Calls and Cell Phones

Classrooms will not be interrupted with phone messages.

It is the parent/guardian responsibility to make after school arrangements before school starts. Plan ahead for changes with your child before they leave for school. Office staff will take messages for emergencies only.

Cell phones are not to be used or seen during school hours. They may be kept in silent. If they are used during the day, the staff member will take the phone to the principal's office. The phone maybe picked up from the legal guardian.