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GBES Indian Education

APS Indian Education Department

The Indian Education Department provides special programs to students and families who have submitted a Form 506 and Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) to the department.

There are several resource teachers available at various elementary, middle, and high school to provide academic and cultural enrichment to Native American students.

The Indian Education Department (IED) was established as part of the Albuquerque Public School district in 1974, with the primary purpose for advocacy and representation for the 115 different American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Tribes enrolled in the school district. There are approximately 5,650 or 5.1% AI/AN students currently enrolled in APS.

Indian Education Teacher

Cari Kerkhoff

Employee Title

Resource Teacher: Indian Ed

Employee Contact Information

School Email

Welcome to the Indian Education Program at Governor Bent!

For the past ten years, I have had the pleasure of serving as the Indian Education Resource Teacher at this fantastic school. During that time, our program has grown to include schoolwide events such as our annual Rock Your Mocs Day Celebration. (GBES RockYour Mocs 2020 )

In 2017, our fifth-grade Indian Ed. students created a Tree of Life mural to celebrate their heritage and culture. Over the years, students in fifth-grade Native American Studies classes have added their handprints to the tree. It now has 72 handprints representing students from at least 20 different Tribes, Nations, and Pueblos! The mural is on the east wall of our Administration Building facing Woodford Drive in our Community Garden and can be viewed from the sidewalk just outside the school grounds. The next time you’re in the vicinity, I hope you’ll take a moment to pass by the garden and have a look.

The heart of our Indian Ed. Program at Governor Bent is in the academic and cultural enrichment classes offered in our Indian Ed. Classroom.*

Our Reading and Math Intervention classes supplement learning for selected students through individual and/or small group instruction. Classes integrate culturally relevant teaching methods and materials to strengthen students’ self esteem and academic skills.

Native American Studies classes aim to build self-esteem, cultural knowledge and pride, and a sense of community among peers.

*Students must have a 506 Form and/or Certificate of Indian Blood on file with the APS Indian Education Department to participate in these classes. Please contact me if you have questions or need assistance with these forms.

I look forward to continuing my work here with our wonderful Governor Bent students, families, and staff. Please feel free to contact me for more information about Indian Education Department programs and resources or if I can be of any assistance to you and your child.

Cari Kerkhoff

APS Indian Education Resource Teacher

Indian Education Images

emmuren jones kinder
student art
native american dancing
native american dancing
Two Native American Drummers young and old.
picnic table