Title I School Family Engagement Policy
Revised: 1/13/21
Title I Parent Compact
The Title I Parent Compact is an agreement developed by staff and parents to identify the expectations for students, parents, teachers, and administrators to fulfill as a member of the team who is working together to help students succeed.
Parents are given a copy of the compact to sign during registration or open house.
Teachers review the compact with parents during parent/teacher meetings as needed.
An additional copy of the compact is available on our website, governorbent.aps.edu
We meet with parents during the school year to review and revise our Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Parent Compact. We welcome your involvement!
Title I Annual Meeting
Each year, we hold our Title I Annual meeting on the same evening of our Curriculum Night.
During this meeting, we discuss:
Our Participation in Title I
Title I Requirements
Parent rights to be involved
Ways to participate in your child’s education.
How Title I Funds are used
School Data
Answer your questions
Family Events
Each year, our staff hosts a variety of fun family events. We welcome all of our Governor Bent families to attend! Some of our past events were:
Evening field trip to Explora Museum
Hands-on Math Night with Sandia National Labs
Literacy Night our families learned to use strategies to support reading skills with their children
Fall Family Festival & One School, One Book
Two-way Communication
By working and communicating with each other, we help our students succeed. It is vital to establish two-way communication between our families and school. We communicate in a variety of ways, which include:
- Bimonthly Newsletters
- School Messenger
- Marquee
- Parent/Teacher conferences
- Title I Annual Meeting
- GBES Website
- Communication Apps
- Peachjar
One of the most important things we can do to help our students, is work together as a TEAM. Teachers will provide you with information about your child’s assessments and progress in school. Teachers welcome your feedback on how they can best meet the needs of your child. We welcome volunteers! We also need help on field trips and GBES PTA. For more information, please contact, Kaitlyn Yazzie, our secretary. We look forward to your involvement at Governor Bent Elementary School!
Family and Community Connections
Our partnership with community programs that support our student & family activities include: SHINE Volunteers (Del Norte Baptist Church, St. Andrews Presbyterian) Presbyterian’s Day of Service, Sandia National Labs, Explora Museum, Albuquerque ALOFT, Literacy Room, Rock Your Mocs, CSI after school clubs and RGEC. We will also provide families with community resources.
We want to hear from you!
We always strive to improve and increase parent involvement at Governor Bent Elementary. We welcome your comments and feedback on ways we can improve parent involvement.
Please bring your comments to the office so we can share them with the District.